Sign Language and Children

Why should I teach sign language to my hearing child?
Early Communication
"Babies crawl before they walk, and sign before they talk" ~ Rachel Coleman
Children who are introduced to sign language can begin signing back to you as early as 8 months old! Imagine your 10 month old being able to tell you when she is hungry, thirsty, tired or has a wet diaper! 
Increased IQ 
Studies have shown that children who are taught sign language at a young age score 8-13 points higher later in life than those who did not use sign.
Decrease tantrums
Temper tantrums are most often caused by a lack of communication. The toddler wants or needs something but is unable to clearly communicate this need to the adult. Thus a tantrum results. By learning sign, your child will have effective communication that they are capable of right at their fingertips. They can use a sign to communicate to you what they need or what is wrong. 
It's fun!Children love being able to use their hands and bodies to communicate! Signing Time makes it even more fun with exciting songs and great DVD's!
Foundation for a second language
Signing does not have to stop once your child is able to effectively communicate verbally. ASL is a very widely used language in the U.S. By beginning sign as a young child, your child will have an incredible head start into this amazing and beautiful language.  

Will learning sign language delay speech?
No, sign language will not delay speech. In fact, it can often improve and speed up a child's verbal communication! By learning sign, your child will be able to communicate with you earlier than with speech alone. This early introduction to successful communication will encourage your child to reach deeper levels of communication. When you sign to your child, you will also use the spoken word and your child will pick up on both. They will just be able to repeat the sign long before the word. It is similar to when a child is introduced to two spoken languages in the home from birth. Children have an amazing capacity for learning language!
Can sign language help my child with special needs?
YES! Sign has been shown to be very beneficial for children with special needs such as Autism, Down Syndrome and speech delays.

What are the benefits of teaching true ASL signs?
By beginning with real ASL, your child will gain many benefits beyond just being able to communicate with you early. They will share a language with a large population of people and be capable of communicating with them. They will have a basis for a second language. ASL signs are not too difficult for a child to do, so there is no need to create gestures just for babies. They can learn real ASL signs!  

Scheduling, pricing and class questions

Is there a discount for signing up for multiple sessions?
Yes. You will receive $5 off the next session if you sign up before the end of your current session. You will receive this same $5 off each additional session if you sign up for multiple sessions at the same time.

What are the class sizes?
Classes are limited to 10 children in the 0-18 month class and 12 children in the 18 month - 3 years class. Minimum class size is 3 children. Classes will be rescheduled if there are not enough students signed up. Interacting with other parents and children learning ASL is half the fun!

Can I join a class in the middle of a session?
Yes, you can join in at any time. Cost of the course will be prorated based on how many weeks you will be attending.

Signing Time!

How did Signing Time get started?
Check out Signing Time's Our Story on the Signing Time website for the full story.

Are Rachel, Alex and Leah related?
Yes. Rachel is Leah's mom and Alex's aunt. 
Are there Signing Time products available online?
Yes! Visit my Signing Time Store HERE.

How can I get involved with Signing Time Academy?  
Visit Signing Time Academy to see the requirements and how to get started. Feel free to contact me with any questions!